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The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Vol. 2)


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Definitive life of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824); a German Augustinian nun-mystic; stigmatist; visionary; prophet; victim soul. Prophecies and amazing revelations on every aspect of the Faith. Extremely edifying; makes the Gospels come alive with details you never knew before!

This book packed  with dramatic revelations: on guardian angels and how they hover over people and cities, on indulgences and her visits to purgatory, on her visions of Heaven, on the nature of victim souls, on mixed marriages, on the future of the Church, and much, much more from a mystic who some say was given unprecedented insights.

Dimensions & Specifications

ISBN: 9780895550613
Author: Very Rev. K. E.Schmoger
Format: Softcover
Pages: Vol.II 621
Language: English
Saint: Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Occasion: Lent / Easter

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